Some Short Motivational And Inspirational Stories

Some Short Motivational And Inspirational Stories We heard many stories in our day to day life some are fiction and some contain reality. But, every story gives us a unique message and tips that help us to overcome our difficulties and make it better. Today, I also present the same short motivational stories that you will like so much. 1. Greed Is Bad For Anybody There was a landlord in one of the villages, who loved money and wanted to become the largest landowner in his state, so he tried to buy more and more people land and bought all the farmers land in his village, but he wanted to buy more land. One day one of his friends came and told him that there is a lot of land in the neighbouring village and the people of that village are also very good. Hearing this, the landlord decided to leave. The next day he left for when they reached there, people of that village put a condition in front of him. On the next day after the sun has come out, you should come here and start...