Schools Never Teach You, How To Become Rich And Successful.

Schools Never Teach You, How To Become Rich And Successful. We are living in the world, where only around 1% people are rich and successful or you can say that the most of the money of whole globe is in the hands of only few people, where there is so many people present with a great qualifications but, after this they are working almost every day for a cheque, which make them unsatisfied in the end because, how much they get is lower, than they thought. So, the main point is; how this difference come, where education(books) in every school is same. Even, if you see the list of Forbes(richest people), the top 30 people are those who didn't even complete their graduation. Is that mean what we learn in our school is useless? Or something hide behind this which we can't see, Or is it wrong to compare the education with richness and successful career? But, if you see the whole scenario, ultimately you are working for a money so, you will retire earlier and get enough money to live...