Corona Virus (COVID-19), Its Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment, Action Of World Leaders On It, Its Active Cases, And The Changes That You Will Seen After This Epidemic
Corona Virus (COVID-19), Its Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment, Action Of World Leaders On It, Its Active Cases, And The Changes That You Will Seen After This Epidemic
Corona Virus (COVID-19) is a deadly infectious disease which spreads with a very fast rate. Its first case came into view in Wuhan, the sprawling capital of Central China's Hubei province in December 2019. In starting cases China sent a report to WHO by saying that, these are the cases of typical pneumonia but, later on, it's clarified that it is a new virus came into existence that is so harmful to humans.
Slowly, the cases of this virus started increasing in the countries of Europe such as Italy, France, Britain, Germany, Spain, Russia, etc. and also spread in 190+ countries in all over the world including developed, developing and under-developed nations. The even USA lost more than 80000 citizens of its country until now in the wind of this deadly virus, the whole world is fighting against this virus more than 4.1 million cases is coming in all over the world of this COVID-19.
Method Of Its Spreading
It is spreading simply by sneezing, coughing and transfer of water droplets from one infected person to another healthy person. Or by touching things which are infected by this virus. Corona enters the human body through an eye, nose, and mouth. So, always you need to take precautions.
For prevention from this virus, not try to touch your face again and again. Wash your hands regularly, when you eat, when you go out of your home and come then first you have to wash your hands, face and legs by using soap. Maintain social distancing, whenever you sneeze try to cover your face by a folding hand and wash them with an alcohol-based sanitizer. Always try to wear a face mask when you go outside. Avoid shaking hands, and passes only a smile to him. And always eat well-cooked food, especially meat. These cautions prevent you from this disease to a level.
Main symptoms of this disease are mild fever, with some respiratory illness, feeling fatigued, etc.
Most Affected Age Group
It is not clear until now, because people of all age groups are affected due to this virus, in Italy so many cases of senior citizens came, and in NYC youth and children also infected due to this virus. So, this is wrong to say that this virus infects only a specific age group.
But, yes people who have cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and HIV and many more harmful diseases have to pay special attention to themselves.
Action Of Countries
In this difficult time most of the countries taking the help of shutting down in this epidemic to save their citizens, and doctors also have to do so much of work as the number of patients increases day by day. Companies ordered their employees for doing work from home. And only useful shops are open in most of the places.
For more details and to prevent yourself from fake news, stay connect yourself from; WHO and your respective government.
There is no specific treatment of this epidemic. Even no special vaccine come until now even, scientists of many countries doing work on it so fast and we pray that the vaccine of this virus will come in minimal days.For more details and to prevent yourself from fake news, stay connect yourself from; WHO and your respective government.
Cases Of COVID-19, (last updated 10 May)
Losses In This Epidemic
COVID-19 affect the whole economy of the world, companies also face huge loss, no international airlines run in this pandemic and many countries lose their thousands of citizens due to this disease. Shortage of ventilators, kits and beds in the hospitals and no one knows that when this whole procedure come to an end.
Such a huge loss lifted this year by the whole world. This epidemic work as a stabbing from behind.
Loses we all know very well and daily seen by their eyes though news channels, newspapers and social media.
Always try to save yourself from fake news on social media until it is not stamped by your respective government and health organisations like WHO.
Always try to save yourself from fake news on social media until it is not stamped by your respective government and health organisations like WHO.
Changes That You Will Seen After COVID-19
Recovery Of Ozone
Due to the continuous process of industrialization, and carbon emission that responsible for making a hole in the ozone layer is nearly stopped. And this gives a chance to ozone for recovering that is a good sign in order to view the melting ice of Antarctica.
Learning Discipline And Manners
This epidemic also helps people to learn good habits of washing hands regularly, before eating food, after entering the home when you go came from outside. And wash the screens of your mobile phones and laptops which contains so many bacteria.
In this epidemic we see, no one want to take paper notes, coins, etc. And this works as a great push towards digitalization. A newly similar case came in Sweden where shopkeeper denied to take a paper note or coin from customer due to coronavirus.
Reduces Pollution
In this shutdown, people did not go outside from home. Big industries, production companies face shut down that impact directly on your environment. Air is making itself good for breath, water bodies like lakes and rivers contain fresh water to drink, but undoubtedly this is on humans whether they left their environment clean or not after unlocking this shutdown.
Work From Home
In this shut down most of the employees do their work from their home and if they give their better performance from their home. Then maybe employees and CEO of companies prefer to take and do work from home.
Is This Shutdown gives Profit?
Everything has two sides one is good and another is bad. If I talk about sites contains newly films and series, so yes. As so much of traffic gain by these entertainment sites in this shutdown.
It also opens so many opportunities for starting newly startups, and also provides time to many people for doing introspection and get so much time to spend their family members.
This also forced world leaders to not only work on economy, environment and defence expenses but, also to work on health care systems. Therefore, if there is an epidemic like this in the future, the world will be able to defeat those epidemics.
People started doing exercises in their home not for reducing stress but also for gaining immunity.
We pray from God that this epidemic has stopped, and life again start like before.
Be motivated in your home, give time to your ideas and think about the welfare of your country and the world.
We pray from God that this epidemic has stopped, and life again start like before.
Be motivated in your home, give time to your ideas and think about the welfare of your country and the world.
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